Russian Subway Charges 30 Squats For Free Ride

As part of Russia’s promotion of the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi they have installed an ingenious marketing weapon in their Moscow subway stations. If you do 30 squats in two minutes you get a free ride.

It’s a marketing strategy of course, with a nicely made video showing smiling Russians “getting fit”. The video has already chalked up millions of hits so I’m sure some marketing manager somewhere in Russia is patting himself on the back good and hard as we speak.

However, if you’re a miserable, sour old git like me it smacks of fascism. I know they’re communist and everything, but I reckon Hitler would have loved this. It basically means, if you are young and fit you get freebies, if you are old, disabled or injured you have to pay. Now they just need to install a blue eye/blonde hair scanner and they’re away.

I known, I know, I’m just being a negative ninny again, I can’t help it. I’ve got a bit of a cold this morning so I’m cross about everything.

On a lighter note, it’s quite a nice little video and makes a change from me putting up videos of Russians using mechanical diggers to cross rivers or Russian cars crashing into kids as they cross the road or of a Russian doctor punching a heart patient in the chest etc. Yes, this is much more positive all round.

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