Russian Road Rage Video

On August 26, 2013 by Tim Newman

…..meanwhile back on the roads of Russia: some fella takes his fury out on a distracted driver by smashing their mobile phone into smithereens. As an aside, the word “smithereens” is from Irish Gaelic smidirn,...

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Dancing Forest Of Kaliningrad: Weird Spiral Trees In Russia

On August 12, 2013 by Tim Newman

This incredibly strange pine forest is on the Curonian Spit, Kaliningrad, Russia. It’s known as the dancing forest to some, or the drunken forest to locals and it’s formation is a bit of a mystery....

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Russian Religious Pilgrimage: Early 1900’s

On August 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

Today I have hand wrapped some beautiful pictures taken by Maxim Petrovich Dmitriev (born 1858). The collection appears to be from some kind of religious pilgrimage but his body of work covered many aspects of Russian...

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Birds Eye View Of Beautiful Kazakhstan

On August 2, 2013 by Tim Newman

These lovely aerial photos of Kazakhstan are impressively dramatic but unfortunately the website which hosted them didn’t explain where they were or who took them. But I liked them enough to share. Kazakhstan is one...

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Kivalina – Climate Change’s Next Victim

On July 31, 2013 by Tim Newman

Whenever a debate starts up about whether us dirty humans are influencing global temperatures I always make myself scarce. Many people roll head long into the fray with their verbal fists flying, but...

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Russian Wedding Video Interupted By Collapsing Building

On July 31, 2013 by Tim Newman

I don’t believe in “bad omens” but if I did then this would certainly seem like one. A classy wedding video shot in Kostroma, Russia was interrupted by the crushing sound of falling...

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Shavarsh Karapetyan: A Real Life Hero

On July 18, 2013 by Tim Newman

It’s not often you get to hear the story of a real life, genuine, bona fide super hero. So sit yourself upright and drink this in. Our hero today is one Shavarsh Karapetyan,...

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Pictures Of Vladimir Putin Looking Like James Bond Action Hero Man

On July 17, 2013 by Tim Newman

Vladimir Putin, international man of mystery. These images of him posing as a bona fide action hero have spread across the known world in a flurry of testosterone. Their purpose is to appeal to manly...

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Beautiful Pictures Of Eskimos From 1879

On July 6, 2013 by Tim Newman

Eskimos, or Inuits as they prefer to be known are a group that developed in Alaska around 4,000 years ago. Braving the harshest of conditions, and despite all odds, managing to thrive. Although...

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Russian Doctor Beats The Crap Out Of A Defenceless Heart Patient

On July 6, 2013 by Tim Newman

I woke up in a good mood today, that’s a rare pleasure, so I decided I would write something. You know, share my joy with the world, make it a brighter place. I...

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