Awesome Photos From Russia With Love (Part F)

On November 28, 2014 by Tim Newman

I’ve got a whole load of mirth from the Eastern Bloc for you today. I guess because Russia is so MASSIVE there will always be plenty to gorp at, and I will ALWAYS...

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Weird Image Silo #1

On September 21, 2014 by Tim Newman

As you can imagine, on my daily trawl through the internet’s stodgy ether I come across some oddities. Some of the  images I come across are pretty cool but not relevant to whatever I was...

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The Global Selfie Project #5

On August 25, 2014 by Tim Newman

Here’s your fifth installment of the Global Selfie Project where we stare at people from around the world. The premise is simple, I wanted to collate a selfie from every country in the world,...

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People Having A Worse Day Than You

On June 29, 2014 by Tim Newman

The internet’s full of schadenfreude based mirth and this little set made me do a literal LOL. I hope they get you literally ROFLing with a couple of WTFs in there for good...

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MyanmarNet: Images From Burmese Buddhist Website

On June 28, 2014 by Tim Newman

I found my way to a Myanmar website today, I can’t remember why I ended up there but I stayed a while. Most of the text is written as an image so even...

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Pawel Kuczynski: Satirical Art From Poland

On June 11, 2014 by Tim Newman

You know how some people say that they like art that makes them think? Well, in general I’m the opposite. I don’t want to have to switch my brain on if I’m looking...

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Belarus: Village Life

On June 1, 2014 by Tim Newman

Belarus is commonly known as the last dictatorship in Europe. Belarus’ iron fisted leader Alexander Lukashenko is by all accounts quite a horrible chap. The EU pretty much ignores him and even Putin is reported...

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Some Wonderfully Odd Photos Off The Interwab

On May 31, 2014 by Tim Newman

Yeah, we’ve all seen weird pictures haven’t we? We like weird pictures don’t we? Looking at all the world’s weird stuff… yeah?… that’s what we’re on the internet for after all. We could...

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English Rednecks / Why I Don’t Go Clubbing

On May 26, 2014 by Tim Newman

I found a bunch of photos on a Russian website today ripping the Michael out of us Brits. It was titled “English Rednecks” and it’s a lovingly collated silo of photos taken in English nightclubs....

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Some Funny Funny / Good Pictures From The WWW

On September 7, 2013 by Tim Newman


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