Nicki Minaj Is Illuminati & Murdered Whitney Houston

On August 1, 2013 by Tim Newman

I’ve been looking at daft Illuminati based videos again; I simply can’t help myself. Below are some of my findings and opinions. I always precede these articles with a little disclaimer that goes...

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Obama Fly Face Demon - shapeshifting alien

Video Of Obama Shapeshifting: Proof At Last

On May 28, 2013 by Tim Newman

I enjoy covering the nutters; giving them a bit of air-time, supporting the under dog etc. There’s plenty of Obama haters in the world, mostly in the US, although Russians aren’t at all that...

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What’s Really Going On At HAARP?

On April 2, 2013 by Tim Newman

There may well be other forms of life somewhere out in the blackness of space. We don’t know. Has any of this extraterrestrial life ever come to earth? Maybe a fungus or microbe...

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