Russian Kamaz Truck Turned Into Luxury Palace

On October 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

In many ways I’m old before my time, but I’m at peace with that fact. For instance, I don’t like socialising, I enjoy watching TV for hours at a time, preferably alone, and I...

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Best Corpse Paint Ever

On October 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

For those not in the know, “corpse paint” is a term that describes a facial fashion mostly reserved for followers of black metal. It’s an effort to appear corpse-like or demonic. Although I’ve...

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The Queen Mother Was Actually Pretty Cool

On October 18, 2014 by Tim Newman

Recently I was called upon to do a short presentation about the Queen Mother; I won’t bore you with the details but it turned out to be a lot more interesting than I...

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Awesome Photos From Russia: Bonus Collection

On October 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

Russia has a lot going on. Its lands are wider than the diameter of Pluto. It has mega rich, it has ultra poor. It has clement environments, it has harsh environments. Russia borders Europe, it nestles...

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Derinkuyu: A Huge And Ancient Underground City

On October 11, 2014 by Tim Newman

Sometimes I’m angry with myself for not knowing enough about the ancient world, but on other occasions I’m as pleased as punch that I know naff all about it, because that means I...

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PHOTOS: Wine Festival In Armenia

On October 9, 2014 by Tim Newman

Today’s random destination is Armenia. On the first Saturday of October Armenian mountain villagers get together to celebrate food and booze. Humans across the length and breadth of the earth seem to absolutely love eating...

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Zalipie: Poland’s Intense Floral Village

On October 9, 2014 by Tim Newman

About 100 years ago the residents of Zalipie, a small town in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship decided to start painting their village, and paint it they did. Zalipie is fairly secluded and lies in...

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Gwanggyo Power Centre Is Going To Look Incredible

On October 9, 2014 by Tim Newman

A Dutch architectural company called MVRDV won a competition to design Gwanggyo “Power Centre”, a brand new town in South Korea. It looks like it’s going to be a mighty impressive place to live...

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Loads Of Creepy Old Photos

On October 7, 2014 by Tim Newman

Just a bunch of creepy old photos. Nothing more, nothing less: The fountain below is called the Barmaley fountain; it was originally built in Stalingrad in the 1930’s. The statue is of a circle...

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Wedding Photos From Dagestan

On October 6, 2014 by Tim Newman

Just when you thought my topics couldn’t get any less middle of the road here I come straight back at ya with some photos of a wedding in Dagestan. Dagestan is a republic...

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