A Tribute To The Great Truth-Seekers

On September 6, 2014 by Lonesome George

As I continue my abridged odyssey through the history of western philosophy, I come to 3 people who are not philosophers but who have had a profound impact on the course of humanity’s...

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Robots Playing 007 Theme Tune

On August 30, 2014 by Tim Newman

Are robots soon to become more intelligent than us and take over modern society making humanity second class citizens? Will robotoids the size of mansions be able to hold the knowledge of a million generations and...

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Hollow Earth Theory: What’s All That About?

On August 30, 2014 by Tim Newman

Hollow earth theory is sort of similar to the flat earth theory. It was very popular back in the olden days but has since been filed in the drawer marked “Nah… probably not”....

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VIDEO: SpaceX Rocket Blows Up

On August 25, 2014 by Tim Newman

SpaceX normally get viral videos by showcasing ultra hi-tech rocketry and uber-snazzy technology etc. This time it’s different, they’ve gone viral because they arsed it up merrily and verily. If you’re in the business of flinging things...

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Alternative Medicine In Kazakhstan

On July 23, 2014 by Tim Newman

Do I think alternative therapies work? Yes, of course they do, the placebo effect is like a magical immune system tornado. Many people swear by alternative therapies and pay good money to be treated by nonsense. But...

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PHOTOS: Wind Farms On Fire

On July 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

There’s been a bit of a fuss in the news recently about wind farms catching fire on a whim. Scientists do expect the odd flare up, you’ve got wind, oil and plastics –...

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Evolution & Vestigial Organs In Humans

On July 11, 2014 by Tim Newman

Evolution is still a theory, that’s true. Whether the moon travels around the earth is also still technically a theory. When you say “theory” in a scientific context it doesn’t mean “wild stab in...

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Cats In Zero Gravity And Other Interstellar Animals

On June 15, 2014 by Tim Newman

I did a post showcasing some of the best GIFs on the internet yesterday, one of them featured some cats in zero gravity. It didn’t look faked so I delved a bit further...

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Ken Ham And His Mad Creationist Children’s Books

On June 14, 2014 by Tim Newman

I was reading an article this afternoon about how some scientists now think that the earth and moon may be as much as 60 million years older than we thought. This would mean...

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How To Predict The Weather With Clouds

On June 13, 2014 by Tim Newman

Clouds have been man’s best friend since he woke up in Africa, well, perhaps not his best friend, but they’ve always been around. Humans throughout history have paid attention to them in an effort...

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