What’s Really Going On At HAARP?

On April 2, 2013 by Tim Newman

There may well be other forms of life somewhere out in the blackness of space. We don’t know. Has any of this extraterrestrial life ever come to earth? Maybe a fungus or microbe...

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When Is A Relationship Most Likely To Fail?

On March 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

Information is beautiful, a true fact and also the title of an amazing website made by David McCandless. He absolutely loves graphs and charts, and should you. McCandless started out as a graphic designer, which is...

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Rampion Off Shore Wind Farm: Sussex

On April 24, 2012 by Tim Newman

I am privileged enough to be able to see the Sussex seaside from my bedroom window, it’s about a mile away, but it still counts as a sea view. I congratulate myself every...

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The International Space Station: Why Aren’t More People Looking At It?

On April 23, 2012 by Tim Newman

The International Space Station (ISS) is 450 metric tons of super charged, multinational, high-grade technological wizardry. It has been merrily orbiting the Earth at about 17,000 mph since the year 2000. Incredibly, that’s...

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Data Visualisation - Awesome Patterns

Meta-Analysis: Less Boring Than It Sounds?

On April 11, 2012 by Tim Newman

“Meta-analysis” describes a statistical method that collates data from a number of sources and gives an answer more accurate than any of the single individual sources could alone. It doesn’t sound all that...

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