The More Than Humble Avocado – A History Of The Alligator Pear

On September 10, 2013 by Tim Newman

I was looking at the seed of an avocado the other day, and I thought to myself “wow, that’s a big seed”. I ate a section of the pulp and I thought “this...

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Video Collection: Close Up Lightning Strikes

On September 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

Below are a collection of videos that demonstrate the ferocious energy of thunder storms. Lightning, up close and personal. Stay safe out there, people. Lightning is probably the closest most people get to the full...

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VIDEO: Tree Branch Falls On Power Lines And Explodes

On September 6, 2013 by Tim Newman

Here’s another video that’s as great as it is simple: a tree branch is resting across two power lines, then it kind of explodes. Nothing more to it. On a Friday afternoon I haven’t...

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The Goliath Bird-eating Spider – The Biggest Spider On Earth

On September 4, 2013 by Tim Newman

The Goliath bird-eating spider is one of the biggest spiders on earth; I know in the title I put “biggest” for “shock” value, but let me explain. The Goliath birdeater, or Theraphosa blondi for those...

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Spider Webs: What Are They Made Of? And Is Spider Silk Really As Strong As Steel?

On September 4, 2013 by Tim Newman

Spiders, our old foe, the arachnid. A fearsome yet tiny beast. Our evolutionary adversary. Most people can’t stand the site of them, normally I can’t stomach them either, but I found one on my...

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Snails: Faster & Deadlier Than Once Thought

On August 27, 2013 by Tim Newman

  Snails. Not the most fascinating topic on the menu you might think. Well, think again. These virtually blind and deaf hermaphrodites have been on the planet for a million years and are...

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Northern Lights / Aurora Borealis: What, Why, How?

On August 20, 2013 by Tim Newman

One thing I want to do before I die is witness the aurora borealis.. Apparently, the northern lights occur almost every other day up at the northernmost tip of Scandinavia; even as far south...

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Ball Lightning: A Mystery Unsolved (Videos)

On August 19, 2013 by Tim Newman

Ball lightning is a phenomena that has been reported hundreds of times throughout recorded history, but we really aren’t any nearer to finding out what it is, what causes it or why it...

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The Oldest Board Games In The World

On August 19, 2013 by Tim Newman

Recently, in Izmir, Turkey a group excavating a 5,000 year old burial at the site of Başur Höyük made some exciting discoveries. They unearthed 49 sculpted pieces that are presumed to be part of a game (pictured...

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US Military’s Aurora Project – Fact or Fiction?

On August 18, 2013 by Tim Newman

Recent news reports have blamed strange sonic disturbance from London to New York on the secretive Aurora project, so it seems timely to recap on what the Aurora project actually is, and whether it’s a...

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