SONIC BOOM!! – What Is It?

On December 6, 2013 by Tim Newman

Everyone knows the term ‘sonic boom’, and most people know it’s the noise an aircraft makes (or anything else for that matter) when it breaks the sound barrier. That was pretty much all I...

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Olympus Mons: The Biggest Volcano In The SOLAR SYSTEM

On November 24, 2013 by Tim Newman

Olympus Mons is a behemoth of a hillock and stands proud on the western hemisphere of Mars’ dusty red surface. It rises 22 km which is three times Everest’s height above sea level....

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Great Pacific Garbage Patch / Humans Suck

On November 23, 2013 by Tim Newman

Humans have really made a mess of this planet haven’t they? To be fair, it wasn’t entirely our fault initially. I mean, burning coal and oil just seemed really handy, we weren’t to...

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Old Science & Nature Pictures: Beautiful & Strangely Mesmerizing

On November 10, 2013 by Tim Newman

I love old drawings of anything, and I love biological and anatomical drawings. So with the two combined I’m in eighth heaven. The plate above depicts the anatomy of a horse from the perspective...

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VIDEO: Mars Curiosity’s Spellbinding Descent

On November 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

Here’s a high resolution version of the NASA Curiosity rover‘s descent to Mars and its delicate landing, all lovingly filmed by the MARDI descent imager. A chap called Brad Canning spent months cleaning, re-jazzing...

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Loads Of Stuff Found on Mars Inc. Iguanas, Traffic Lights And Balls

On November 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

Some of you who watch the Lazer Horse cloud more closely may be getting that tingle of de ja vu in your spleens. The precursor to this nonsense based article is here: Lizard...

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NASA VIDEO: Canyon Of Fire On The Sun

On October 26, 2013 by Tim Newman

The NASA YouTube channel is well worth a look if you fancy some chilled out/epic visuals. The video shows a magnetic filament of solar material erupting from the sun this September. The  filament...

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Brand New Yeti Footage

On October 12, 2013 by Tim Newman

Anyone who’s a regular at LAZERHORSE.ORG knows I’m a big fan of the yeti, or at least a big fan of the idea of the yeti. I’m not some nutter with a big...

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The Duck Billed Platypus: Weirder Than You Thought

On September 13, 2013 by Tim Newman

Everyone knows that this hairy egg laying mammal with a beak is weird. I had a read about these little chaps today, and it turns out they are even weirder still. So as...

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6 Graphs That Prove Humanity Is Doomed

On September 12, 2013 by Tim Newman

I’ve been running for a little while now, other than the lashings of fame and cash that it brings me, my favourite thing is the data. I know I sound like a right old...

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