The Best Of The Selfie Olympics

On January 5, 2014 by Tim Newman

The selfie. What a horrible word, what a horrible concept. People showing off, or showing off their baby, or showing off their stupid carpet or new sunglasses or beard or whatever. An abhorrent...

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Groomer To Groomer – The Intergrooming Bible

On January 2, 2014 by Tim Newman

I did an article about ‘intergrooming’ a while back and it was fairly popular. If you missed it, click here – INTERGROOMING IS THE ANTI-CRUFTS. Recently I watched a documentary about one of these extreme...

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Why Computer Games Are Evil (Or Are They?)

On December 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

I’ve never been that into computer games. I mean, I used to have 128K Spectrum which I enjoyed once the tape cassette had finished its arduous 30 minutes of screeching. I had the...

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Human Ingenuity & Problem Solving At Its Best

On December 1, 2013 by Tim Newman

This post is a high five to humans. It’s a tribute to that capacity to make do and mend that gave us the hand down from the trees we needed and allowed us...

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Weird Old Russian Film Poster Collection

On December 1, 2013 by Tim Newman

This morning I’ve spent a fair few hours looking through old Russian film posters. Why? You may ask. My response to that question is a) why not? and b) you have a look,...

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VIDEO: Bloke Nearly Shoots Own Face Off With Gun

On November 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

DON’T PLAY WITH GUNS KIDS. In fact, just don’t even touch guns. They’re bad news. No good has ever come from a gun. In the good old days people used to stab each...

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Incredibly Bad Eyebrows: A Disturbing Photo Collection

On November 3, 2013 by Tim Newman

FACT OF THE DAY: Most people have eyebrows. There’s no finesse or deep meaning to this post. It’s just an opportunity to snigger at other people’s misdirected hair trimming. I make no apologies....

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Victor The Siberian Hermit: Photo Collection

On November 3, 2013 by Tim Newman

Some days when the world is getting a bit too hectic, or the boss has told you off for staring out the window again, or your friends are doing your head in going...

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Karate Referee Goes Nuts And Beats Up Fighters

On September 27, 2013 by Tim Newman

I shall start this post with a massive show of gratitude to my tiny, baby brother for sending me a link to this video. Sam, you are great. Now. This video shows a...

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Watch South Koreans Eating Live Octopus

On September 13, 2013 by Tim Newman

These pictures come from a recent food festival in South Korea which featured this magniloquent delicacy: live octopus. The larger ones are cut up and eaten whilst the tentacles are still wriggling and the...

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