Awesome Photos From Russia With Love – Part T

On June 12, 2016 by Tim Newman

Welcome to your next installment of Russian LOLz. Today we have all manner of nonsense to show you, including ultra strong grannies, gangster wannabes and lama-loving bikers. It’s all there for the taking....

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Listen To The Last Second Of Every AC/DC Song

On January 16, 2016 by Tim Newman

Here’s a question you’ve probably never asked yourself: “What does it sound like if you string together the end of every AC/DC song ever made?” A couple of guys called Mark and Neanderpaul...

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VIDEO: Bodybuilder With Cerebral Palsy In Kazakhstan

On August 15, 2015 by Tim Newman

Quite incredible, this guy. I don’t know enough about cerebral palsy to know exactly how difficult it would be to train up to a high standard like this, but I’m assuming it would...

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Incredible Abandoned Yugoslavian Monuments #2

On August 9, 2015 by Tim Newman

  This is your second installment of amazing Yugoslavian war monuments. CLICK HERE for part 1 and part 3. If you missed the first installment, here’s a recap: After the terrors of World War II...

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The Epic Berners Street Hoax Of 1810

On February 14, 2015 by Tim Newman

Everyone likes a good practical joke (as long as it isn’t carried out on you and no one dies or ends up in a coma), the Germans call it schadenfreude – ‘pleasure derived from...

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China’s Giant Buddha Of Leshan

On November 28, 2014 by Tim Newman

The giant Chinese Buddha in Leshan is of epic proportions. At 71 metres (233 feet) tall, the stone statue cuts a mean figure; however, somehow, he still looks pretty benign, probably thanks to the nonchalant...

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Russian Kamaz Truck Turned Into Luxury Palace

On October 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

In many ways I’m old before my time, but I’m at peace with that fact. For instance, I don’t like socialising, I enjoy watching TV for hours at a time, preferably alone, and I...

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The Queen Mother Was Actually Pretty Cool

On October 18, 2014 by Tim Newman

Recently I was called upon to do a short presentation about the Queen Mother; I won’t bore you with the details but it turned out to be a lot more interesting than I...

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The Global Selfie Project #6

On September 11, 2014 by Tim Newman

Here’s your sixth installment of the Global Selfie Project where we stare at people from around the world. My premise is simple, I wanted to collect a selfie taken in every country, I’ve almost managed it… I’ve...

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The Risley Act: Japanese Foot Juggling From 1904

On August 27, 2014 by Tim Newman

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that anything impressive happened in the entertainment industry before X-Factor. However, it is important to remember that people have always been weird, mental, skillful and obsessed with nuance. Richard Risley...

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