What Can You Do To Save The Rainforest?

On August 14, 2014 by Tim Newman

I know that this article comes to you about 15 years after the “SAVE THE RAINFOREST” brigade stopped holding placards and became recruitment consultants and herbal pharmacists, but it’s still a worthy cause....

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VIDEO: Bipedal Bear Wandering Through Suburbs

On August 8, 2014 by Tim Newman

I thought this video was going to be a fake initially but it looks like it actually might be real? If so, there’s a bipedal bear hanging out in the New Jersey suburbs. I...

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Kyrgyzstan In Pictures

On August 8, 2014 by Tim Newman

Kyrgyzstan is another one of those countries that I know the name of but couldn’t spell. I took interest in the place today and found some impressive and intriguing pictures of the place. Kyrgyzstan is bordered...

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Four-Winged Dinosaur Fossil Found In China

On July 31, 2014 by Tim Newman

I thought multi-winged body designs were the domain of insects alone. I was wrong. A four-winged species found in China recently is just the last in a long line of more than 300 four-winged...

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Great Goat GIFs

On July 31, 2014 by Tim Newman

I did a post a while back that showcased photos of goats in strange places. It was at that point in my life that I finally realised just how amazing goats really are....

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Anton Ginzburg: Hyperborea

On July 31, 2014 by Tim Newman

Anton Ginzburg (born 1974) is a St Petersburg born artist who has lived and worked in New York since 1990. He’s a sculptor and photographer and has shown his works in Venice, Tokyo, Russia and the...

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Norway’s Epic Troll Wall

On July 22, 2014 by Tim Newman

Norway’s troll wall is the tallest vertical rock wall in the whole of Europe. This awe inspiring lump of stone rises more than a kilometre into the pristine skies of Scandewegia. The troll wall is...

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VIDEO: Octopus Walks On Land

On July 21, 2014 by Tim Newman

I don’t know much about the octopus, but I didn’t think they walked on land, did you? The following octopus video comes from Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, Moss Beach, California. He climbs out of the...

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PHOTOS: Wind Farms On Fire

On July 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

There’s been a bit of a fuss in the news recently about wind farms catching fire on a whim. Scientists do expect the odd flare up, you’ve got wind, oil and plastics –...

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