Video: Russian Witch Girl Caught Levitating

On August 11, 2013 by Tim Newman

I was perusing earlier today, like you do. The site features easily fake-able, blurry, shadowy footage which is, in the most part, laughable. The following Russian-levitating-girl-scary-witch one was my favourite by far. I’m sure...

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Giant Loop The Loop Water Slide

On August 11, 2013 by Tim Newman

It’s Sunday. My brain isn’t in fully working order. I can’t be expected to write anything impressive and/or enthralling. I can however be expected to post videos of stupid stuff. Here’s some American...

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Here’s A Video Of A Group Of Bears Pole Dancing In the Wild

On August 11, 2013 by Tim Newman

The following footage was uploaded by a company called Alberta Parks who look after the many parks in Alberta. They used remote cameras to catch the wild action of critters in the parks...

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A Couple Of Sunshine African Dance and Drum Videos

On August 10, 2013 by Tim Newman

If you’ve got a bit of a sore head this morning. Here’s a couple of musical African videos that will force you to crack a smile through the clouds in your brain. I...

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Thieves Take Back Stolen Goods With Sorry Note

On August 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

Thieves robbed some laptops from a charity – Sexual Assault Services Centre  in San Bernadino County, California that looks after people who’ve been sexually abused. Once they’d realised what they had done they took the stuff back...

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French Farmers Smash 20,000 Eggs In Protest

On August 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

There’s nothing poultry about this reaction to the low price of eggs. Enraged farmers smashed 10,000 eggs near Cotes d’Armor, Brittany, on Tuesday night, then another 100,000 eggs outside a tax office in the town...

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Father & Son Found Hiding In Vietnam Jungle After 40 Years

On August 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

Forty years ago a mine exploded in Tra Kem village, it killed Ho Van Thanh’s wife and two of their sons. He did what seemed like the sensible thing and fled into the dense jungle...

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The Viral Wonder Of Shark Cat

On August 8, 2013 by Tim Newman

As you know, I like to keep abreast of all major global events. It’s important to have a full and in depth knowledge of world politics and opinions if you want to run...

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Levitation Is Possible: Quantum Locking Video

On August 8, 2013 by Tim Newman

This isn’t a new video, but it’s new to me, and it features something called quantum locking or flux pinning. Thanks to our old friend ‘physics’ we have a Marty McFly-esque hover board...

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Sea Otter Vs Dog

On August 8, 2013 by Tim Newman

Here’s a nice video of a sea otter playing hide and seek with a dog. The otter seems to be having a whale of a time teasing the comparatively dappy dog. The dog...

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