Lazer Horse’s Predictions for 2017

On December 30, 2016 by Tim Newman

Last year, I published an article charting my Predictions for 2016. I am not a psychic, obviously – that’s not a real thing; neither am I an expert in geopolitics, as many of you may have...

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Bouvet Island: The Most Remote Island On Earth

On December 15, 2016 by Tim Newman

 The views are stunning, the weather is dodgy, and the nightlife is rubbish. But, if you want to be isolated, Bouvet Island is your best bet. Bouvet Island is a Norwegian territory as far...

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Amazons Of Ukraine By Guillaume Herbaut

On December 14, 2016 by Tim Newman

I came across the following photo collection on a Russian website (where I often find my fix of strangeness). But the photographer is, in fact, French and his subjects are Ukrainian. According to...

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VIDEO: Evangelical Pastor Tells A Bunch Of Kids Santa Isn’t Real

On December 13, 2016 by Tim Newman

As far as I am aware, no one has either proved nor disproved Santa Claus. The debate rages on. True, there is no direct evidence for Santa, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t...

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Chinese Government Bans Weird Buildings

On December 12, 2016 by Tim Newman

Over recent years, architects working on China’s skyline have been allowed to let their imaginations run wild. As you will see from the images below, the sky is the limit – nothing is...

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China: Weird Photos Part 1

On December 11, 2016 by Tim Newman

Over the years, we’ve covered a lot of interesting stuff from China. We covered stories about fake graveyards, towns designed to look like London and Paris, huge ghost cities, massive statues and so-called...

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Black Death Art: Plague Inspired Paintings

On December 10, 2016 by Tim Newman

The Black Death peaked in Europe around 1348. It killed indiscriminately, it killed swiftly, and it killed en masse. Returning in waves, by the time it had ended, it had killed more than one-third of...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love: Part Y

On December 8, 2016 by Tim Newman

Yes. I have more photos for you. If I do say so myself, this is quite possibly the best episode to date. There’s so much great stuff flowing from Russia at the moment. I...

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VIDEO: Feather Stars Look Like Magical Aliens

On December 4, 2016 by Tim Newman

We’ve all seen a wide range of wildlife documentaries based on marine life. But the wonders truly are unending. Each time people go down there, they find something new and weird. Feather stars have...

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27 Soviet Era Album Covers

On December 1, 2016 by Tim Newman

What follows is nothing more than a selection of Soviet era album covers. It doesn’t sound like much on paper but, in reality, it is very much indeed. Are they any funnier than...

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