VIDEO: Bloke Nearly Shoots Own Face Off With Gun

On November 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

DON’T PLAY WITH GUNS KIDS. In fact, just don’t even touch guns. They’re bad news. No good has ever come from a gun. In the good old days people used to stab each...

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Central African Republic – Another Troubled Nation

On November 3, 2013 by Tim Newman

The Central African Republic (CAR) is a landlocked country in Africa with a population of around 4.4 million. It is the 45th biggest country in the world, about the same sort of size...

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Incredibly Bad Eyebrows: A Disturbing Photo Collection

On November 3, 2013 by Tim Newman

FACT OF THE DAY: Most people have eyebrows. There’s no finesse or deep meaning to this post. It’s just an opportunity to snigger at other people’s misdirected hair trimming. I make no apologies....

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Victor The Siberian Hermit: Photo Collection

On November 3, 2013 by Tim Newman

Some days when the world is getting a bit too hectic, or the boss has told you off for staring out the window again, or your friends are doing your head in going...

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Sea Bastard New Album: Scabrous (REVIEW)

On November 2, 2013 by Tim Newman

I hate reviewing albums and gigs. I mean who cares what I think or say about music? No one, that’s who. My opinion is no more valid than anyone else’s, if anything my...

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Nowzad Dogs – Saving The Animals Of Afghanistan

On November 2, 2013 by Tim Newman

Afghanistan is a country that’s filled to the brim and overflowing with troubles. The human costs of war are huge and undeniable. I was pointed in the direction of the charity Nowzad Dogs...

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Olinguito: The Newest Mammal (Baby Photos)

On November 2, 2013 by Tim Newman

Earlier this year the olinguito was discovered and named (correctly) for the first time. This lovely little chap is the first new species of carnivore to be found in the western hemisphere in 35...

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Cobra Vs Baby

On October 29, 2013 by Tim Newman

Who would win in a fight between a baby and a cobra? It seems like a no-brainer doesn’t it?: Cobras are poisonous, babies are useless and stupid. In this instance, however, it doesn’t...

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Cool Time-Lapse Videos Of Nemo Blizzard

On October 27, 2013 by Tim Newman

I was just bumbling bluntly through the vapours of the interwab just now, when I was lobbed this sparkling diamond in the rough. It’s only 15 seconds long and all I know is...

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Prypiat Wildlife: The Animals That Survived Chernobyl

On October 27, 2013 by Tim Newman

The Chernobyl incident of 1986 left a lasting poisonous shroud over hundreds of square kilometres of land. The 60 km circle that surrounds the plant is lovingly titled “the zone of alienation.” The area is deserted,...

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