Elephant Vs Stick

On November 16, 2013 by Tim Newman

Who would win? Elephant or stick? There’s only one way to find out…. FIGHT! You’d imagine that a flimsy stick could do little to ruffle the feathers of a mighty behemoth, but surprisingly...

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Dinovember – The Birth Of A Movement

On November 16, 2013 by Tim Newman

Movember is now a word that most people now understand. Dinovember isn’t in the public’s shared consciousness just yet, but it’s well on its way. A couple from Kansas called Refe and Susan...

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Elisa Lam Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

On November 16, 2013 by Tim Newman

I posted an article about the mysterious death of Elisa Lam a few weeks back, if you missed it here’s a brief recap: Elisa was a Canadian student who was found dead in...

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Imber: The Ghost Village Of Wiltshire

On November 10, 2013 by Tim Newman

The town of Imber now lies as a shell in rural Wiltshire, about 2.5 miles west of the A360 between Tilshead and West Lavington. Imber was fully abandoned almost 100 years ago. In...

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VIDEO: Mars Curiosity’s Spellbinding Descent

On November 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

Here’s a high resolution version of the NASA Curiosity rover‘s descent to Mars and its delicate landing, all lovingly filmed by the MARDI descent imager. A chap called Brad Canning spent months cleaning, re-jazzing...

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Loads Of Stuff Found on Mars Inc. Iguanas, Traffic Lights And Balls

On November 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

Some of you who watch the Lazer Horse cloud more closely may be getting that tingle of de ja vu in your spleens. The precursor to this nonsense based article is here: Lizard...

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Warthog Vs Wild Dogs (Crocodile)

On November 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

WARTHOG VS CROC Another battle in Africa‘s wilds to take your mind off the cut and thrust of modern life in the West. Here a mighty warthog stands, ankle deep in a muddy...

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PHOTOS: Happily-Never-After by Dina Goldstein

On November 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

Dina Goldstein is a conceptual photo artist who recently completed a photo project called ‘Fallen Princess’ where she gives real world endings to fantasy world stories. If you like the pictures you can order...

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Platypus Godzilla & The King Of Gore

On November 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

Two news items about massive ancient beasts in one week!? My word Mr Universe you are spoiling me rotten. Platypus Godzilla First up, some remains have been found that point to a massive...

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Japanese Rock Paper Scissors Robot Never Loses

On November 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

THE JAPANESE The Japanese techno wizards are always at it. They never sleep. They busy themselves with world domination and gadgetry day in, day out. Their robot du jour is a snazzy bit...

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