Weird Old Russian Film Poster Collection

On December 1, 2013 by Tim Newman

This morning I’ve spent a fair few hours looking through old Russian film posters. Why? You may ask. My response to that question is a) why not? and b) you have a look,...

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Wildlife In Burma – A Photo Collection

On November 30, 2013 by Tim Newman

Burma, or Myanmar, is one of the biggest countries in South East Asia. Its slow economic growth and insular, military rule have kept much of its natural environment pretty darned pristine. Logging and...

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Golden Eagles Vs Grey Wolf

On November 30, 2013 by Tim Newman

Well, in this battle of predator vs predator the wolf has the size advantage but the eagle has the element of surprise. Being able to fly certainly goes in their favour too. It...

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Amazing Pencil Art By Dalton Ghetti

On November 30, 2013 by Tim Newman

Pencil art, hey? Yeah, art made out of pencils, that’s right. Dalton Ghetti is a Brazilian fella, born and raised in Sao Paulo who moved to the US of A when he was...

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Drunk Fella In India Eaten By Massive Snake?

On November 30, 2013 by Tim Newman

I got passed this story by my sister-in-law would you believe, and thought to myself “ahhh… what a lovely tale”. Perfect Saturday morning drama. If you’ve missed it here’s the summary: some guy...

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Rare Photos Sneaked Out Of North Korea

On November 24, 2013 by Tim Newman

Not much gets out of North Korea as far as photography is concerned. Especially not unfettered, non-flattering stuff. The government isn’t keen on letting anyone in, and if they do let you in...

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Impressive Cubist Statue Of Artem Sergeev In Russia

On November 24, 2013 by Tim Newman

Artem Fedorovich Sergeev, or Артём Фёдорович Сергеев if you’re down with your Cyrillic, was a popular Russian chap in Stalin’s day. He lived from 1921 to 2008, was the adopted son of Joseph Stalin and went on...

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Russian Subway Charges 30 Squats For Free Ride

On November 24, 2013 by Tim Newman

As part of Russia’s promotion of the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi they have installed an ingenious marketing weapon in their Moscow subway stations. If you do 30 squats in two...

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Olympus Mons: The Biggest Volcano In The SOLAR SYSTEM

On November 24, 2013 by Tim Newman

Olympus Mons is a behemoth of a hillock and stands proud on the western hemisphere of Mars’ dusty red surface. It rises 22 km which is three times Everest’s height above sea level....

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Great Pacific Garbage Patch / Humans Suck

On November 23, 2013 by Tim Newman

Humans have really made a mess of this planet haven’t they? To be fair, it wasn’t entirely our fault initially. I mean, burning coal and oil just seemed really handy, we weren’t to...

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