Tiger Vs Tiger

On December 8, 2013 by Tim Newman

These pictures showcase the sheer power and terrifying aggression of a tiger spurned. Apparently their territories overlap and these photos show the intense 45 minute battle that ensued one day. Fierce is an understatement....

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VIDEO: Birds Annoying Cats

On December 8, 2013 by Tim Newman

Who wins? Cats or birds? Nature says cats but domestic pet keepers are saying birds. Here’s another video that’s pumping out the Youtube views left, right and centre this week. Naughty birds. The cats...

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VIDEO: Mean Cats Blocking Dogs

On December 8, 2013 by Tim Newman

Dogs are, in general, bigger than cats, and if there was ever a true fight between cats and dogs you would imagine that the dog would smash the cat to bits. That doesn’t...

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Wrangel Island, Russia: Stunning Wildlife Photos

On December 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

Wrangel Island is no venue for a beach holiday, not if you want to survive, anyway. Saying it’s “a bit nippy” would be the mother of all understatements. Wrangel Island sits, shimmering in the Arctic...

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Kim Kardashian = Illuminati

On December 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

HA! Love it. Everyone who’s famous is definitely in the Illuminati, that’s something you will have learned in the last few years. If you have cash but no discernible talent you are part...

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Why Computer Games Are Evil (Or Are They?)

On December 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

I’ve never been that into computer games. I mean, I used to have 128K Spectrum which I enjoyed once the tape cassette had finished its arduous 30 minutes of screeching. I had the...

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SONIC BOOM!! – What Is It?

On December 6, 2013 by Tim Newman

Everyone knows the term ‘sonic boom’, and most people know it’s the noise an aircraft makes (or anything else for that matter) when it breaks the sound barrier. That was pretty much all I...

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North Korean Kids Play Guitar In A Creepy But Precise Manner

On December 6, 2013 by Tim Newman

This video featuring some North Korean children playing guitar has had well over 18 million hits, but none of those hits belonged to me, until today that is. I’m a newcomer to this little...

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Human Ingenuity & Problem Solving At Its Best

On December 1, 2013 by Tim Newman

This post is a high five to humans. It’s a tribute to that capacity to make do and mend that gave us the hand down from the trees we needed and allowed us...

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The Kingfisher – Mysterious Yet Ubiquitous

On December 1, 2013 by Tim Newman

The kingfisher has always been my favourite bird, partly because it’s one of the brightest coloured birds you’re likely to see in the wild in Britain, but also because there’s an air of...

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