Valerie Hegarty: Slash & Burn Art

On January 5, 2014 by Tim Newman

Born in Burlington, Vermont, USA in 1967 Valerie Hegarty now lives in New York. Her idea of art and artistry shares something of the old style mixed with a nihilistic flare. Hegarty enjoys...

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Will No One Shake François Hollande’s Hand?

On January 4, 2014 by Tim Newman

Well, it looks like the answer to the question in the title is “no”. (Click image above to enlarge.) I was actually looking on a Russian site when I found them reporting this...

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Fabulous Norwegian Brides 1870-1920

On January 4, 2014 by Tim Newman

Today’s little photographic gem of a collection shows off some old photos of Norwegian brides. The pictures are to be found in the Norsk Folkemuseum, Oslo. Subtlety was neither aimed for nor achieved with these...

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Boris Indrikov: Art Deco Surrealism

On January 4, 2014 by Tim Newman

Boris Indrikov was born in Leningrad in 1967 and now lives in Moscow. He’s more than a little bit handy with a paintbrush. He was an illustrator for the magazine “Chemistry and Life”...

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José Mujica: The World’s Poorest President

On January 4, 2014 by Tim Newman

José Mujica was the president of Uruguay until March 2015. He’s also one super cool guy. The world of politics is awash with sweaty plums draped in immaculate suits and smiles. They walk the earth sheltered...

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Russian Wonderland: Kaluga

On January 3, 2014 by Tim Newman

This morning I found the following pictures of some kind of outdoor art gallery in Kaluga, Russia. I can’t find any more information about them than that I’m afraid. Kaluga is in the...

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Steller’s Sea Eagle – The Biggest Eagle In The World

On January 3, 2014 by Tim Newman

Steller’s sea eagle, also known as the Pacific eagle or white-shouldered eagle, is the heaviest eagle in the world, and one of the biggest. It’s a monster. They inhabit coastal regions in North Eastern Asia,...

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Groomer To Groomer – The Intergrooming Bible

On January 2, 2014 by Tim Newman

I did an article about ‘intergrooming’ a while back and it was fairly popular. If you missed it, click here – INTERGROOMING IS THE ANTI-CRUFTS. Recently I watched a documentary about one of these extreme...

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Dinosaur Fairyland, China: The Most Remote Museum On Earth

On January 2, 2014 by Tim Newman

If you ever happen to be crossing the border between China and Mongolia (you never know, it could happen), make sure you don’t miss out on Dinosaur Fairyland. That would be a big mistake....

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INTERVIEW: Alexey Pavlov – Photographer, St Petersburg

On December 29, 2013 by Tim Newman

I was perusing random profiles on Deviant Art the other day, looking for inspiration and not finding much. Then I happened upon Alexey Pavlov and was struck by his work. As many of...

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