Shoina: An Occupied Village Submerged In Sand

On April 6, 2014 by Tim Newman

Shoina is a small Russian village on the banks of the White Sea. When it was built in the 30’s it was in a plush, forested location, but in the 50’s the sand...

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Baphomet: Who Is He? An Illuminati Guide

On April 6, 2014 by Tim Newman

Who is Baphomet? And why is he mentioned so regularly in conjunction with pop culture? In this article we uncover the ancient history of Baphomet and ask why he’s cropping up so much these days. We...

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The Sawfish: Weird, Rare & Deadly

On April 5, 2014 by Tim Newman

The sawfish is one of nature’s oddest creations and now, unfortunately, one of its rarest. They have the side profile of a shark and the mouth and gills of a ray. Oh, and...

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Vintage Russian Circus Posters

On March 30, 2014 by Tim Newman

A little while back I published a collection of old freak show posters from the Victorian days. This time I’ve got a slightly more modern set of pictures from Russian circuses. They’re more...

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Beautiful French Polynesia & How It Was Nearly Destroyed

On March 30, 2014 by Tim Newman

Nope, I’ve never been to French Polynesia, and I probably never will. I don’t have that kind of cash. It looks amazing though. Below are some photos taken by Tim McKenna, a Sydney born...

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The Bird Life Of Peru

On March 30, 2014 by Tim Newman

Today I bring you a small selection of the impressively magniloquent and devastatingly handsome birds that chill out in Peru. Peru boasts around 1,879 bird species in total, 91 of which are globally...

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Spanish House Built Inside A Rock

On March 29, 2014 by Tim Newman

A Spanish designer has built what looks to to me to be a pretty much perfect abode. Nice views, no one for miles… oh no space for a drum kit… OK so it’s...

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Incredibly Detailed Close Ups Of Insects – Vasiliy Menshov

On March 29, 2014 by Tim Newman

We’ve all seen pictures of small things really close up before, but these are particularly amazing for some reason. I recommend clicking on them to enlarge. Quite, quite mind blowing: MORE ON THE...

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VIDEO: Sheep That Thinks It’s A Dog

On March 29, 2014 by Tim Newman

Apparently this video shows a sheep that was brought up alongside a litter of puppies. Now it thinks it’s a dog and happily jumps about with the sheepdogs, who historically should be its mortal...

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Ningyo: Vintage Japanese Mermaids

On March 23, 2014 by Tim Newman

In Japanese folklore they have a creature called the ningyo. Its closest relative in European tradition is the mermaid. But these guys look quite a bit more frightening than Ariel: According to tradition these...

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