Vladimir Vorobjev: Moody Photos From 80s Russia

On April 16, 2014 by Tim Newman

Vladimir Vorobjev was a photographer working mainly throughout the 80s. He wasn’t big or famous at the time and it was only after his death, when his granddaughter went through his photos, that they finally...

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Animals Stuck in Odd Places But Which Don’t Seem To Mind

On April 15, 2014 by Tim Newman

A Facebook page named “Animals Stuck in Odd Places But Which Don’t Seem To Mind” has been doing the rounds this week. The premise is simple and the title pretty much gives you...

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The Bird Life Of New Zealand

On April 14, 2014 by Tim Newman

New Zealand’s bird life is particularly odd. Because the islands have been separated from the rest of the world by oodles of sea for lashings of time, evolution took them to a strange...

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The Bird Life Of Mozambique

On April 13, 2014 by Tim Newman

The Republic of Mozambique, in the Southeast of Africa is home to 740 species of birds, 20 of which are globally threatened. Here’s just five of those fine feathered fellas in brief… Ostrich...

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The Dark Side Of The Cover

On April 12, 2014 by Tim Newman

I’d never really wondered what album artwork would look like from the other side. I’m assuming you hadn’t given it much thought either. But someone has, and he’s (or she’s) called Harvezt. Harvezt...

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Kijong-dong: North Korea’s Deserted “Propaganda Village”

On April 12, 2014 by Tim Newman

North Korea is no joke of course, but some of the stunts and propaganda they’ve come out with over the years can genuinely appear childish. And funny. Kijong-dong is one of their more flimsy attempts...

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Wild Animals Invade The Metro: Clarisse Rebotier

On April 12, 2014 by Tim Newman

French photographer and digital manipulator Clarisse Rebotier has produced a series of photos called Animétro. The series shows big game critters parading around the Paris Metro like they own it. I liked them so I...

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Art By Convicted Serial Killers

On April 12, 2014 by Tim Newman

This is a collection of drawings and paintings made by convicted murderers whilst behind bars serving time for their crimes. Some of the works of art are grizzly, others are surprisingly serene. It’s tempting...

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Belgian Blue Super Cow

On April 12, 2014 by Tim Newman

Get a load of these ultra cows, they cut a mean shape and no mistake. In English they’re referred to as Belgian blues and in French as Race de la Moyenne et Haute Belgique,...

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52 Mixed Metaphors & Other Language Fails

On April 6, 2014 by Tim Newman

I spend as much time as I can watching “reality” TV. Things like Come Dine With Me, Hotel Inspector, The Undateables, Four In A Bed, Inside Gatwick, Border Patrol etc. For me, there’s...

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