25+ Hideous Ukip Quotes

On May 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

UKIP are worryingly visible at the moment as I’m sure you can’t have failed to notice. They are being taken ever more seriously and that, for me, is terrifying. I thought I would collate...

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Wild Cats Pt 2: Serval

On May 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

There are 37 species of cat on earth, one is the humble house moggy, and the other 36 are all wild beasts of the wilderness. The serval has to be one of the...

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Wild Cats Pt 1: Pallas’s Cat

On May 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

Pallas’s cat (Otocolobus manul), also called the manul, is native to the grasslands and montane steppe of Central Asia. It almost goes without saying that it has been classified as ‘Near Threatened’ by The International Union for Conservation of...

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Forbidden Photos From North Korea

On May 18, 2014 by Tim Newman

If you’ve got the time, money and patience, it is possible to visit North Korea. But only the side of North Korea that the government is happy for you to see. You’ll be...

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America Navy Vs Canadian Authorities

On May 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

  With the internet being what it is: 99% lies, 1% truth and 8% bad maths I can’t promise you this is a true and real document. But it gave me a giggle...

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The Hunt For Doppelgangers By François Brunelle

On May 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

Doppelganger – great word. François Brunelle, a Canadian photographer based in Montreal has spent the last few years on a rather odd but intriguing quest. He’s been on the look out for people that look...

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Mental Monster B-Movie Mayhem

On May 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

There’s been a spate of strange monster movies come out over the last few years. I guess with production and graphic costs dropping, there’s more scope for low budget B-Movie makers to get creative....

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Mockbusters: Riding Hollywood’s Cash Train With A Forged Ticket

On May 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

A mockbuster is a film made at about the same time as a big budget film with a similar title and ethos. It’s an attempt to ride on the wave of the big...

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Afghanistan In The 50’s and 60’s

On May 16, 2014 by Tim Newman

Just the word “Afghanistan” evokes negative emotions in many Westerners. Whether it’s an emotion of sorrow or one of fear, the country has been tarred with a dirty stick and its people are poor,...

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Cornish Cross Dresser Tries To Get Pasty Shop Ban Lifted

On May 15, 2014 by Tim Newman

One of the things that I like best about running this website and writing for Sick Chirpse is that every so often, someone I haven’t seen for years sends me a link to...

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