MH17 Conspiracy Theorys

On July 23, 2014 by Tim Newman

If something happens on the news, anything at all, the masses scream “CONSPIRACY“! So MH17 has drawn its own theories of course. And I suppose in a way you can’t blame people for...

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World’s Best Chiropractor’s Advert?

On July 23, 2014 by Tim Newman

Thanks to Sam Orchard for pointing me in the direction of this teeny, tiny nugget of joy. I can’t be 100% sure this is real but I think it is? It’s basically a...

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Norway’s Epic Troll Wall

On July 22, 2014 by Tim Newman

Norway’s troll wall is the tallest vertical rock wall in the whole of Europe. This awe inspiring lump of stone rises more than a kilometre into the pristine skies of Scandewegia. The troll wall is...

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VIDEO: Octopus Walks On Land

On July 21, 2014 by Tim Newman

I don’t know much about the octopus, but I didn’t think they walked on land, did you? The following octopus video comes from Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, Moss Beach, California. He climbs out of the...

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VIDEO: Chinese Tourists Dance In Red Square

On July 20, 2014 by Tim Newman

I think heartwarming is the wrong word, but I definitely felt a warm feeling in the area surrounding my internal organs when I watched this clip. The video features a gaggle of Chinese tourists...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love (Part A)

On July 20, 2014 by Tim Newman

The awesome photos from Russia with love series has made a move from it’s birth place in the womb of Sick Chirpse and migrated to Lazer Horse. This move is shrouded in mystery,...

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Sexy Swimwear Edition (Click Bait)

On July 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

My website stats are atrocious. I just can’t understand why hoards of people aren’t clicking on my recent and accessible posts about medieval Persian clothes or German WWII prototype aircraft? I mean, who...

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Medieval Persian Dress

On July 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

I know, I know, medieval Persian dress is a pretty random topic for a post. But here’s what’s going on: last year we went to the Medieval Festival at Herstmonceux Castle. It was...

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St Petersburg: A Beautiful Rooftop View

On July 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

I nabbed these photos off a guy called Anton (Avisman). I can’t find much out about the chap, other than the fact that he hangs out on the roofs of St Petersburg a lot and...

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Tony “Doc” Shiels: Monster Hunter Extraordinaire

On July 18, 2014 by Tim Newman

I wrote a post about the Owlman of Mawnan recently, if you didn’t catch it, it was about a human sized owl with glowing eyes that appeared in Cornwall in the 70’s. One of the...

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