Awesome Photos From Russia With Love (Part D)

On August 22, 2014 by Tim Newman

Welcome to another installment of majestically Russian photography. As ever it’s a mixed bag from the length and breadth of the greatest nation on earth. They’re all stolen from genuinely Russian websites and...

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13 Particularly Unusual Deaths

On August 22, 2014 by Tim Newman

There’s nothing funny about death really. But there is a lot of certainty to it. No person who’s ever lived hasn’t had to face it and roll under it. I compiled this list of...

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Vampire Squid: Photos And Details

On August 21, 2014 by Tim Newman

The title of ‘vampire squid’ gives this creature of the deep a pretty sinister overtone; and the way it looks certainly doesn’t help its case much either. But does the vampire squid live up...

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The Global Selfie Project #4

On August 18, 2014 by Tim Newman

Here’s your fourth installment of the Global Selfie Project where we stare at people from around the world. The premise is simple, I wanted to collate a selfie from every country in the...

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Embarrassing Nightclub Photos

On August 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

Now, I know these photos of horrors from nightclubs are old. I think the newest ones on here are still a good clear 12 months out of date. But I hadn’t seen many...

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Mega Penguin: Tallest Penguin Unearthed

On August 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

Paleontology doesn’t get reported in the media much unless they find the biggest or weirdest or most frightening thing EVER. And that’s what’s happened here. Recent discoveries in the frozen South have found the...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love (Part C)

On August 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

Welcome to the third segment of Awesome Photos From Russia With Love. The basic idea is to hold each others hands and skip down a path paved with humorous photos taken in Russia,...

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Doctors Talk About Their Stupidest Patients

On August 15, 2014 by Tim Newman

People can be pretty dense, and medicine is a complex subject, so it’s no surprise that there’s going to be a mismatch when the two worlds collide. Doctors have to speak to all...

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Famous Landmarks From Afar

On August 15, 2014 by Tim Newman

We’ve all seen photos of the Arc de Triomphe (above) or the Pyramids from right up close. But here’s a series of photos from those iconic venues from a little bit further back. These awe inspiring buildings...

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What Can You Do To Save The Rainforest?

On August 14, 2014 by Tim Newman

I know that this article comes to you about 15 years after the “SAVE THE RAINFOREST” brigade stopped holding placards and became recruitment consultants and herbal pharmacists, but it’s still a worthy cause....

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