Beautiful Examples of Indian Graffiti

On September 6, 2014 by Tim Newman

I’ve just spent a few pleasant hours crawling through websites dedicated to the street art of India. It was a pleasant task. Here are the fruits of my endeavors: Street Art by C215 C215...

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Follies: Humans Wasting Cash For Kudos

On September 5, 2014 by Tim Newman

It seems that for as long as humanity has had time and money it has been wantonly wasting it. Money wasting is as human a trait as yawning or the pox. People have been...

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Ropen: Do Flying Dinosaurs Still Live On Earth?

On September 4, 2014 by Tim Newman

As most people with even a passing interest in cryptozoology will know, the Loch Ness monster is believed by some to be an extant dinosaur. A plesiosaur to be precise. The idea that...

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10 Wonderful Examples Of Camouflage In Nature

On August 31, 2014 by Tim Newman

If I could be any animal in the world I’d probably plump for a golden eagle or something along those lines. In reality, knowing my luck I’d come back as something that sucked up...

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American State Flags: Best Of The Best

On August 30, 2014 by Tim Newman

I’m a fan of flags, but I don’t know much about them though to be honest. I enjoy flags in a childlike, “oooh look at the shapes and colours” sort of a way. I...

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Robots Playing 007 Theme Tune

On August 30, 2014 by Tim Newman

Are robots soon to become more intelligent than us and take over modern society making humanity second class citizens? Will robotoids the size of mansions be able to hold the knowledge of a million generations and...

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Herstmonceux Medieval Festival 2014 – Incongruous Photos

On August 28, 2014 by Tim Newman

It’s that time of the year again folks; the event of the season has been and gone and the photos have been collated. If you’ve not witnessed the festivities yourself, Herstmonceux Medieval Festival is...

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The Risley Act: Japanese Foot Juggling From 1904

On August 27, 2014 by Tim Newman

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that anything impressive happened in the entertainment industry before X-Factor. However, it is important to remember that people have always been weird, mental, skillful and obsessed with nuance. Richard Risley...

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The Global Selfie Project #5

On August 25, 2014 by Tim Newman

Here’s your fifth installment of the Global Selfie Project where we stare at people from around the world. The premise is simple, I wanted to collate a selfie from every country in the world,...

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VIDEO: SpaceX Rocket Blows Up

On August 25, 2014 by Tim Newman

SpaceX normally get viral videos by showcasing ultra hi-tech rocketry and uber-snazzy technology etc. This time it’s different, they’ve gone viral because they arsed it up merrily and verily. If you’re in the business of flinging things...

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