On September 18, 2019 by Tim Newman

Dinosaurs lived and evolved across millions of years. Thanks to recent discoveries and advances in technology, it is now possible to at least guess at the colours of some dinosaurs. Here, we ask...

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Who are the Jump Horses to Follow In 2019-20?

On August 7, 2019 by Tim Newman

The start of the new NFL season is approaching but for horse enthusiasts it is all about jumps season. Punters are already searching for the best picks for the coming campaign. However, we...

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Popular Horse Racing Wins That Will Go Down in History

On July 7, 2019 by Tim Newman

Horse racing is one of the oldest sports in the world and, over the course of centuries, the fundamental concept of the sport has stayed much the same. But that consistency doesn’t mean...

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The Surface Of Mars: Incredible NASA

On June 8, 2019 by Tim Newman

Mars, a distant cousin of earth, is a beautiful wasteland. Once home to running water, it now lies a desolate shell. However, barren landscapes are not necessarily boring, as the following images will...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love June 2019

On June 1, 2019 by Tim Newman

Here we go. You know what to expect: a batch of good times from Mother Russia. Without mucking about, here we are… First up, an incredible cafe on the border of Georgia and...

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The History Of Horse Racing

On June 1, 2019 by Tim Newman

For more than 50,000 years, people have kept and raced horses in many countries around the globe. There’s even evidence that horses were used in sport as far back as the Egyptian period....

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Human Universals: What Makes Us Human?

On May 11, 2019 by Tim Newman

In the 1990s, an anthropologist published a list of “human universals” — traits, behaviors, and the like, that all humans share. It is a fascinating glimpse into the human condition. Image credit These...

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PHOTOS: The Skies Of Brighton And Beyond

On March 17, 2019 by Tim Newman

I am an amateur photographer; I am so amateur, in fact, that the only camera I own is attached to my phone. I’m also a huge fan of the sky. These two things...

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ALBUM REVIEW: Fórn — Rights Of Despair

On March 3, 2019 by Tim Newman

Doom metal has morphed wildly over the last few decades. It has left the cold comfort of the shadows and now lies, gasping for breath in the searing light of the full moon....

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Artist Turns Old Dolls Into Haunting Hyperreal Toys

On March 2, 2019 by Tim Newman

Some bloke from Ukraine picks up old dolls from charity shops and bins, and repaints their faces. It’s a simple idea, but the results are quite incredible. I must admit, I’m not a...

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