Moody Images From Ukrainian Village

On December 31, 2014 by Tim Newman

These photos, by photographer Alexander Mihailenko, feature a small rural town in Ukraine near Kiev. They get the medieval vibes across good and proper. Some might argue that they’re slightly over processed, but I couldn’t...

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Some More Weird Stuff You Can Buy In Japan

On December 30, 2014 by Tim Newman

A while back I posted a collection of weird stuff you could buy from Japan Trend Shop Online. I enjoyed browsing their mental selection of goods and thought it was high time I released...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love (Part H)

On December 29, 2014 by Tim Newman

Here are another bunch of photos I’ve nabbed from Russian websites. As I always state at the beginning, there’s nothing big or clever about it, it’s just a silo full of joy, that’s...

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The Cookiecutter Shark: Small, Weak & Deadly

On December 29, 2014 by Tim Newman

The cookiecutter shark (Isistius brasiliensis) is one of the less impressively sized members of the shark family. They generally don’t get much over 50 cm long and have relatively thin and weak bodies. The...

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On December 28, 2014 by Tim Newman

I’ve put together a selection of GIFs that I’m calling “the best of all time.” In reality, what I’ve done is taken 20 minutes of my time to find a handful of GIFs...

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Australia’s Floods Bring Plague Of Spiders

On December 28, 2014 by Tim Newman

Australia has faced some of the worst floods in living history over the last few years. The residents who’ve had their property destroyed and found themselves being forced to move to higher ground are never...

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Beautiful Photos From China 1870 – 1946

On December 28, 2014 by Tim Newman

This collection of photos from China, all dated from 1870-1946, were lovingly restored by Ralph Repo. He painstakingly recoloured and repaired the aging images to give us a sneak peek at a China...

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The Boston Molasses Disaster

On December 28, 2014 by Tim Newman

As a youth, my mother often referred to me as being “slower than molasses in winter”. That jibe has stuck in my throat all these long, long years and finally I bring you...

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Defenestration: A Short History

On December 28, 2014 by Tim Newman

Fenestration means an opening in the walls of a structure. When we’re talking about architecture it means the design, construction, or presence of openings in a building. So you’d think that defenestration would mean either closing...

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PHOTOS: Alphan Yilmazmaden’s Glimpses Of Strangers

On December 28, 2014 by Tim Newman

Alphan Yilmazmaden is a Turkish photographer who takes pictures of people. We all take pictures of people, of course, but they’re generally people we know: BORING. Because Alphan take pictures in lands I am...

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