Life-Sized Chrome T-Rex In Paris

On January 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

I don’t know why no one has bothered to tell me this before, but in 2013 a life-size model of Tyrannosaurus Rex was installed atop the platform of Compagnie des Bateaux-Mouches by the River...

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Chrysopelea: The Flying Snake

On January 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

Snakes and spiders are almost unanimously feared amongst all disparate populations of earth. In England and other cooler climbs our fear is wasted energy, but for many who dwell in the warmer sections of the world, that fear...

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Prince Charles Photoshopped For Your Pleasure

On January 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

Although Photoshopping someone into different situations isn’t a new thing, the following images prove that it can still be rip-roaringly funny. Some clever dude or dudess at Ivyious found a photo of Prince...

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Man Howls Into The Woods, The Woods Howl Back

On January 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

This video really put the willies up me good and proper. There’s a chap sitting in a chair in the woods with a gun, that’s pretty scary on its own, but that’s not...

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Foxfire: Putting The “Fun” Back In Fungus

On January 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

Foxfire is nothing to do with foxes or fires, just to get that straight from the start. It’s actually a type of bioluminescence produced by certain fungi that live in decaying wood. Also...

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Coffin Found On Mars?

On January 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

The Mars Curiosity rover sends back to earth amazing images of Mars’ barren landscapes. It’s difficult not to feel amazed as you stare at crystal clear images of a land more than 30...

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Giant Isopods: The Woodlouse Of The Sea

On January 3, 2015 by Tim Newman

You don’t get to see these weirdos in real life too often, not because they’re from an alien planet, but because they live in the deep and are rarely caught by fishermen. Giant...

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VIDEO: Laminar Flow Is Really Confusing

On December 31, 2014 by Tim Newman

If you lick a dog you’ll get hairs in your mouth. If you touch a sweaty man you’ll get a moist aromatic hand. If you jump into a fire wearing a shell suit...

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Sleetwealth: Another Wonderfully Macabre Artist

On December 31, 2014 by Tim Newman

Nita Collins, or Sleetwealth to her Deviant Art watchers, makes art that’s as unsettling and macabre as it comes. Disturbed and distressed dolls, autopsies, blood, wax and tears. Very ghostly, a little bit...

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Crisis Actors: Fact Or Fiction?

On December 31, 2014 by Tim Newman

Crisis actors, if you haven’t heard the term before, are another “smoking gun” in the conspiracy / New World Order / Illuminati lovers arsenal. These crisis actors are alleged to be employed to act out...

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