Physiologus: Medieval Animal Art

On January 18, 2015 by Tim Newman

The Physiologus is an ancient text, written somewhere between the 1st and 4th centuries AD. The book features drawings of animals, mythical and real, alongside short stories, explaining the animal’s general characteristics. The stories are designed...

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Cool Infographic Showing Relative Sizes Of Sea Creatures

On January 16, 2015 by Tim Newman


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The Handsome Moustache Toad

On January 10, 2015 by Tim Newman

The Emei moustache toad, or Taosze spiny toad (Leptobrachium boringii) is found in the Sichuan, Guizhou, and Hunan provinces of China. They only breed in slow-flowing streams surrounded by forest, cultivated fields, and grassland. The origin...

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Haley Morris-Cafiero’s Wait Watchers

On January 10, 2015 by Tim Newman

Haley Morris-Cafiero‘s Wait Watchers are a series of photos designed to punch a hole in those punching holes. She turns the attention away from the stairee and places it back on the starer. A few...

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Jean Bourdichon: An Unsung Master Of The Middle Ages

On January 10, 2015 by Tim Newman

Jean Bourdichon (1457 or 1459 – 1521) was a miniature painter and manuscript illuminator at the court of France between the end of the 15th century and the start of the 16th. He...

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Emma Fay’s Amazing Wildlife Body Painting

On January 9, 2015 by Tim Newman

Emma Fay has an impressive talent. It’s a bit odd and perhaps not all that useful (that’s a bit rich coming from me), but it certainly is a skill. She turns humans into...

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Nicky Bay’s Incredible Insect Photography

On January 9, 2015 by Tim Newman

Nick Bay has been photographing insects for many years and has honed his craft: he manages to make creepy crawlies look… dare I say it… beautiful. He spends his time hanging out in...

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Trilobite Beetle: An Asian Alien

On January 9, 2015 by Tim Newman

Known as the trilobite beetle, or trilobite larva, the genus Platerodrilus are a funny looking bunch. They get their street name from their uncanny similarity to the trilobite of prehistoric fame. There are at...

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Amusing & Moving Chinese Street Photography By Liu Tao

On January 7, 2015 by Tim Newman

I’ve become quite fascinated with China recently. I couldn’t tell you exactly why, it’s just sort of crept up on me. These photographs by Chinese 32-year-old artist Liu Tao have done nothing to...

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Lake Baikal: Deepest, Biggest, Oldest

On January 7, 2015 by Tim Newman

Lake Baikal sits proud and alert in wintery Siberia, and as lakes go, it’s a mighty impressive girl, earning itself the nickname “the Pearl of Siberia”. As far as volume is concerned, Lake...

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