A Short History Of The Great Dismal Swamp

On May 24, 2015 by Tim Newman

Having written about the incredible Okefenokee swamp in the US of A and the Great Vasyugan Mire in Siberia I thought it appropriate to continue the theme. So, today, I am proud to introduce...

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Great Vasyugan Mire: The Biggest Swamp In The World

On May 23, 2015 by Tim Newman

The Great Vasyugan Mire is located in Russia, in the Novosibirsk, Omsk, and Tomsk regions. It is epic in the original sense of the word, it covers an incredible 53,000 km² in total. That’s...

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Amazing Weather Records: Rain

On May 22, 2015 by Tim Newman

This is the second installment of impressive weather records. Last time I covered temperature and this time it is the turn of our old foe: rain. I hate rain. It’s my least favourite...

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VIDEO: Strange Lights In Russian Skies. Aliens Or Missile Launch?

On May 22, 2015 by Tim Newman

These days, although I still revel in the idea of alien life, I can’t be bothered to hold out any hope. When videos surface like the one below I am more than happy...

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The Blob: A Meteorological Mystery

On May 22, 2015 by Tim Newman

The Blob is a brand new meteorological phenomenon, its whimsical name belies the evil glint in its eye. This fledgling beast is causing the deaths of thousands of marine mammals and birds and at the same...

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A Selection Of Weird & Disturbing Medieval Manuscript Art

On May 17, 2015 by Tim Newman

Modern humans like a good laugh, and medieval humans were no different. When you imagine a medieval scene, you might think of dirt, suffering, plagues, and violence.That’s fair enough, there was quite a...

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Wikidrummer: No Added Reverb

On May 17, 2015 by Tim Newman

This video was first released in November 2013 so I am proper behind the times here. But, if you haven’t seen or heard it before you’re in for a real audio treat. The video...

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PyroPet Candles Are Cool Candles For Cool People

On May 17, 2015 by Tim Newman

You might not have realised that candles are having a rebirth at the moment. In most people’s minds candles are associated with romance and power cuts, two very uncool things indeed. But PyroPet Candles are...

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Andreas Lie’s Beautiful Norwegian Forest Critters

On May 15, 2015 by Tim Newman

Andreas Lie is a 24-year-old digital mixed media artist based in Bergen, Norway. He produces lovely images of Norwegian forests within Norwegian creatures. Wolves, lynx, they’re all in there. If you like what I’m...

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Shigir Idol: The Oldest Wooden Sculpture Ever Found

On May 14, 2015 by Tim Newman

Unearthed in 1894, the Shigir Idol is the oldest wooden sculpture ever found. Wood doesn’t fare all that well when it’s in the ground, so the fact that this fella managed to remain intact...

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