The Real War Pigs: Hogs Saving Human Bacon

On June 6, 2015 by Tim Newman

Image VIA The term “war pigs” might not mean much to most people. But in ancient times, when there was an awful lot of war going on (unlike today of course) combatants would...

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Can You Figure Out What Animal This Is?

On June 5, 2015 by Tim Newman

I couldn’t work out what it was initially, it’s kind of like a dog, but there’s something not very dog-like about it. I’ll tell you: it’s a naked bear. Weird, huh? These pictures are...

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The Wolverine Frog’s Defence Mechanism Is Mental

On June 5, 2015 by Tim Newman

The wolverine frog, also known as the hairy frog and the horror frog, or in more sensible circles Trichobatrachus robustus is a right weirdo. He lives in Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea,...

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Daddy Freddy On Record Breakers In 1989: Most Syllables In A Minute

On June 5, 2015 by Tim Newman

There’s nothing that isn’t great about this clip. Daddy Freddy, a Jamaican ragga vocalist, gets himself on Record Breakers and shows the world how you blast out the most syllables in one minute...

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Cuvier’s Beaked Whale: The World’s Longest And Deepest Diver

On June 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

Whales are one of the most popular genres of animals around. In general it’s the big boys of the whale gang, like the blue whales and sperm whales, that take the limelight. But...

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Platybelodon & Amebelodon

On May 30, 2015 by Tim Newman

Platybelodon and Amebelodon, what lovely beasts they were. They look like the type of animal you would see in an awful Disney Star Wars remake, but the important difference is, these guys actually roamed...

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This Is What A Slice Of Tree Trunk Sounds Like Played On A Record Player

On May 30, 2015 by Tim Newman

Bartholomäus Traubeck has answered a question that none of us ever asked. He has found out what a slice of tree sounds like when it’s played on a record player. Before you dash...

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The Chemistry Of The Amazon Mapped

On May 30, 2015 by Tim Newman

Scientists from the Carnegie Airborne Observatory have done something pretty impressive. They have mapped the chemical content of the Amazon basin and its ancient forests. It’s the largest project of its type, and as an added bonus the...

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The Submersive Art Of Yang Yongliang

On May 28, 2015 by Tim Newman

Yang Yongliang, born 1980 in Jiading, Shanghai is an awe-inspiring contemporary artist. His early training was steeped in classical Chinese techniques which becomes apparent when you look at his work. But Yongliang is clearly passionate about bringing...

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The Makapansgat Pebble – A Glimpse Into An Ancient Mind

On May 27, 2015 by Tim Newman

Pebbles don’t make the news very often, and rightly so, they are generally unimpressive. However, the Makapansgat pebble is cut from a different cloth. This pebble tells a brief but enchanting story about humanity’s...

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