Rosa Verloop Makes Weird Statues From Nylon Stockings

On July 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

Rosa Verloop is a Dutch artist who makes sculptures in a less than standard medium. Her chosen sculpting material is nylon stockings. Well, actually, she uses loads different materials in her work, but she’s managed to get...

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Fox Tossing: Weirdest Blood Sport Ever?

On July 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

Fox tossing. It sounds funny to read aloud, it looks funny written down, but unfortunately it’s not quite as nice as it first appears. Fox tossing (Fuchsprellen in German) was a bona fide pastime...

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The Only Bigfoot Trap In The World

On July 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

Deep in the in the Siskiyou National Forest in the southern part of Jackson County, Oregon lies a true one off. A genuine Bigfoot trap. It is considered to be the only one...

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Goose Pulling, An Odd And Barbaric Pastime

On July 3, 2015 by Tim Newman

Humans have a long and distinguished history of cruelty to animals. But, as time and culture has marched on we’ve become ever sensitive to other organism’s plight; this snail paced progress hasn’t stopped us...

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10 Animals Named After Famous People

On June 27, 2015 by Tim Newman

When I started writing this I wasn’t sure whether there would be enough examples of organisms named after famous people to fill an article. I was totally wrong. There are more animals named...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love – Part K

On June 26, 2015 by Tim Newman

Welcome back to section ‘K’ of the Awesome Photos From Russia With Love series. Above is what the people of Murmansk are calling “the lowest rainbow in the world”. I think they might be right....

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Chinese Hell Money

On June 25, 2015 by Tim Newman

Hell Money is fake currency that is burnt at funerals, particularly in China. This faux cash has been burned as an offering since at least the late 19th century, but quite possibly from much...

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Squirrel Vs Dog

On June 21, 2015 by Tim Newman

It doesn’t matter what species you are, if something comes between you and your offspring the gloves are off. The following photos demonstrate that squirrels, not normally famed for their hardcore attitudes, have...

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Liu Xue’s Uncomfortable Anthropomorphic Sculptures

On June 20, 2015 by Tim Newman

Liu Xue is a Chinese sculptor who creates objects that make weaker-willed punters squirm. The following trinkets are from his We Are The World series. I’ve read a bit about Liu Xue’s work on blogs that are...

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History Of Life: The Carboniferous

On June 20, 2015 by Tim Newman

Welcome to part five of my slow waltz through the epochs of life on earth. Today we tackle the Carboniferous age, named after the rich seams of coal left in the geological traces...

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