VIDEO: Boxer Knocks Opponent Clean Out Of The Ring

On September 10, 2016 by Tim Newman

I’m not an expert in boxing, it’s not something I’ve ever paid a whole lot of attention to. I prefer dinosaurs. However, I thought the clip below was worth sharing with you all....

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love – Part W

On September 10, 2016 by Tim Newman

Welcome back. Guess what we’ve got for you today… that’s right – a butt-load of weird pictures from our brothers and sisters in Russia. This week we’ve got a hipster bear, military japes,...

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Eye-Shaped Cloud Sparks Illuminati Theories

On September 9, 2016 by Tim Newman

Right. First things first: WOW THAT’S A COOL CLOUD. Now we’ve got that out of the way, this is the crux of the matter: a bunch of people saw this picture of a cloud...

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Japanese People Sleeping In Public

On August 20, 2016 by Tim Newman

In the UK, and most other Western countries, if you see someone sleeping in public, you assume they are either drunk or homeless. Occasionally, you’ll catch people napping on the train, but most folk try...

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Dallol, Ethiopia: Hot, Hot, Hot

On August 20, 2016 by Tim Newman

Which is earth’s hottest region? People, most regularly, mention the area that has clocked up the highest recorded temperature – Furnace Creek Ranch, Death Valley, California – reaching a dirty 56.7 °C (134 °F). Dallol, Ethiopia doesn’t normally get as much of...

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Russian Food Art: What A Weird Thing To Do

On August 14, 2016 by Tim Newman

I found a collection of Russian food art online today. So I’m dumping it here. Simple as that. It’s not easy to make dinner look creepy, but they have managed it: MORE JOKES FROM...

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Video Of Diver Panicking At 15m Depth

On August 14, 2016 by Tim Newman

I’m a bit of a baby when it comes to diving and deep water – it spins me out. I’m terrified of what lies below and, also, I’m not a massive fan of...

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Beautiful Old Pictures Of Birds

On August 14, 2016 by Tim Newman

Here at Lazer Horse Towers we’re all big fans of birds. Whether it’s the strange bemused stare of the potoo, or taking photos of birds hanging out with plastic dinosaurs, we like to...

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Brighton Pride 2016: The Aftermath

On August 7, 2016 by Tim Newman

Brighton’s first Pride event took place in 1972, it was, at that time, a gay rights demonstration. Since then, many battles have been won, and Pride is now a huge celebration. This year, the event...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love – Part V

On August 6, 2016 by Tim Newman

I decided recently to stop posting collections of daft pictures from Russia. I figured that you guys must have had enough by now. But, then I realised this: I will never, ever tire of these pictures....

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