Gateway To Hell Found In Turkey

On April 4, 2013 by Tim Newman

Here’s a nice bit of archaeology to start your day, and it’s fairly sinister, too. A portal called “Pluto’s Gate” — Ploutonion in Greek, Plutonium in Latin — has been found by a group...

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Chinese Kids Climbing Cliffs To Get To School

On April 3, 2013 by Tim Newman

In my youth, I would do anything I could to get out of an arduous day of school. A slightly icy path, an untied shoelace, a rumbling tummy, or a subtle headache would...

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Obama Pestered By Religious Nuts

On April 2, 2013 by Tim Newman

This is my first post about Obama. Whether you love him or hate him, or are ambivalent towards him like me, he sure has ruffled some bald eagle feathers. This is an old...

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What’s Really Going On At HAARP?

On April 2, 2013 by Tim Newman

There may well be other forms of life somewhere out in the blackness of space. We don’t know. Has any of this extraterrestrial life ever come to earth? Maybe a fungus or microbe...

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1811 – Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue – The Letter C

On April 2, 2013 by Tim Newman

So we’re back with part two of my depth charge in to Captain Francis Grose‘s amazing publication from 1811, The Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue. Today we tackle the C words. If you missed the...

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Captain Francis Grose

1811 – Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue – Letters A & B

On April 1, 2013 by Tim Newman

The Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue was written in 1811 by Captain Francis Grose. He endeavored to capture all of the common expressions of the day, used by the lower echelons of society. Vulgar in this sense...

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Chad Roberts’ Incredible Beard Skills

On March 31, 2013 by Tim Newman

I had the pleasure of going the International Beard and Moustache championships when they were held in Brighton around 20 years ago. It was a true joy. There was military garb, musketeer regalia, and...

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Origin Of The Word ‘Beard’

On March 31, 2013 by Tim Newman

The etymology of the word “beard” is more interesting than you might have expected. The modern English word “beard“ may have started off as “barthaz,” in Western Germanic language, which went on to...

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The Real Illuminati: A Brief History

On March 29, 2013 by Tim Newman

The Illuminati crop up everywhere these days. If you Google “Illuminati,” you’re faced with vast quantities of content with dubious reliability. Today, the word means a hidden, secretive, evil bunch of men who...

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Special Japanese Tambourine Man

On March 25, 2013 by Tim Newman

Gonzo the tambourine master. He’s a chap banging a tambourine in a leotard, looking really cool. Simple. As. That. MORE FROM JAPAN: WEIRD JAPANESE SCARECROWS PACHINKO – JAPANESE GAMBLING BOSOZOKU MAD BIKES NINGYO...

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