Awesome Photos From Russia With Love: Part X

On October 9, 2016 by Tim Newman

What lies below is another mixed bag of Russian wonders. From turtle impressions to thoughtless dogs via military japes and vodka-fuelled fun. There’s even a couple of musk oxen thrown in for good measure....

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Oleg Duo: Fantasy Electro Portraits

On October 9, 2016 by Tim Newman

Moscow born Oleg Duo blends photography with a digital manipulation more at home in computer games. He leaves images looking real, but not as real as real life. A half way house between fantasy and...

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Cannibal Chickens Wearing Rose-Tinted Glasses

On October 8, 2016 by Tim Newman

This is a story of chicken farming, rose-tinted spectacles, and the fight against cannibalism. It’s a rather bleak affair to be honest, but worth knowing about. In the seedy world of early 20th-century chicken...

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Which Countries Has Britain Not Invaded?

On October 2, 2016 by Tim Newman

It is well known that the British Empire once covered a quarter of the globe, but our blood-thirsty, power-hungry, meddling tendrils drifted much further afield than even that impressive fact admits. Great Britain...

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Leonardo da Vinci: Rarely Seen Sketches

On October 2, 2016 by Tim Newman

Leonardo da Vinci was a man with a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. He dabbled in architecture, science, music, engineering, literature, geology, astronomy, cartography and anything else he fancied. Da Vinci was also...

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The Inca Tern: Beautifully Ornate

On October 2, 2016 by Tim Newman

The terns are a successful group. Often sharing the same space as gulls, they are generally smaller but similar in colour and shading; they’re a handsome bunch of birds. As with most monogamous birds, the...

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Jane Mutiny: Nature, Art, Beauty (Images/Interview)

On October 1, 2016 by Tim Newman

Jane Mutiny is an artist with a big, pulsating heart for nature and an eye for detail. Here we check out some of her incredible art and find out about the woman behind...

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Clinton Conspiracy: Was She Wearing An Earpiece During The Debate?

On September 30, 2016 by Tim Newman

Half-baked news-mongers have been run ragged recently over a shocking bit of conspiracy wafting. Certain people have declared in public, out in the open, for all to see, that Clinton was cheating during...

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Dogs Or Cats: Which Wins The Internet?

On September 17, 2016 by Tim Newman

Today, the majority of humans have access to more data than we could ever need or want. Even just a couple of decades ago, most people had access to zero data. And no one...

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Most Accurate Coloured Model Of A Dinosaur Unveiled

On September 15, 2016 by Tim Newman

The colour and pattern of an animal is no accident, it helps them avoid being killed, or, conversely, helps them to hide in order to kill something else. New research into the coloring of Psittacosaurus shows that “countershading”...

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