Kasia Haupt - Sanwich Art Sculpture - UFO Bagel

Sandwich Sculptures Will Leave You Happy And Peckish

On June 8, 2013 by Tim Newman

I have had the illustrious honour of being on the judging panel for the Annual Sandwich Making Competition in both 2012 and 2011. As such, I feel I am better versed in sandwich...

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Moss Graffiti - Big Horn Cattle - The New School

Moss Graffiti: Environmentally Sound Street Art (How-To Guide)

On June 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

Moss graffiti is taking off in the States. It’s one of the few forms of street art that is actively good for the environment. I wonder what the legal status would be? Is...

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Old Horror Film Posters & Theatrical Trailers Part 2

On June 6, 2013 by Tim Newman

Welcome back to the second installment of classic old horror film posters and theatrical trailers. If you missed part one of this B-Movie horror train, CLICK HERE or forever hold your peace. I’ve got...

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Old Horror Films - Retro Film Posters - How To Make A Monster

Old Horror Film Posters & Theatrical Trailers Part 1

On June 4, 2013 by Tim Newman

For your perusal today, I bring you a selection of old horror film posters and their theatrical trailers. I love the tone and swagger of old horror flicks, they promise to be the...

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Lizard Found On Mars By Curiosity Rover

Lizard Found On Mars and Other Martian Nonsense

On May 30, 2013 by Tim Newman

A photo went up on the UFO Sightings Daily blog the other day, which “shows” a lizard on Mars. Before you laugh too hard, look at the picture below, then you can have...

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America Squid Murder Poster Propoganda

A Selection Of Pointless Pictures Courtesy Of The Internet

On May 29, 2013 by Tim Newman

There’s nothing more to this post than a bunch of stupid pictures of stupid things and stupid people. Ahhhh…. everyone relax, the Marines are here to kill the big-toothed human octopus with fire...

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Business - Shop Front - Closed - Kebab King

20% Of British Shops To Close In The Next Five Years

On May 29, 2013 by Tim Newman

Quite a bleak message is being sent out to business owners in the retail sector this week. The Centre For Retail Research (CRR) is a body that investigates consumer trends and commercial finance,...

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Obama Fly Face Demon - shapeshifting alien

Video Of Obama Shapeshifting: Proof At Last

On May 28, 2013 by Tim Newman

I enjoy covering the nutters; giving them a bit of air-time, supporting the under dog etc. There’s plenty of Obama haters in the world, mostly in the US, although Russians aren’t at all that...

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The Best GIFs On The Whole Wide Internerd

On May 27, 2013 by Tim Newman

There’s something about the GIF format that is pleasing. There’s an immediacy to it. You don’t have to wait for the video to load and you don’t have to wait for ages for...

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Beardvertising - Real Native Advertising

Beardvertising – Finally You Can Make Some Cash From Your Facial Fungus

On May 27, 2013 by Tim Newman

At last! Our beards can become more than simply an aesthetic asset and become a financial asset. And it’s about time too. Beards and their related facial furniture have long been part of...

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