Malawi Mouse Boys: From Dusty Roads To A Giant Stage

On July 29, 2013 by Tim Newman

Gracing the stage with their presence this weekend at WOMAD were eight unlikely boys that perform under the name Malawi Mouse Boys. They hail from Malawi as the name suggests, and in their...

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The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band – Banned Video

On July 29, 2013 by Tim Newman

I’ve just returned from Peter Gabriel’s brain child festival – WOMAD. I’ve showered and I’m currently sat in my pants on a comfy chair. My sunburn is waning and my hangover is lifting....

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Amazing Video Of Mammatus Clouds Over Michigan

On July 27, 2013 by Tim Newman

Mammatus comes from the same derivation as mammary, and you will see the similarity in the video. This was shot last year in Michigan and it is completely awesome. Mammatus clouds aren’t incredibly rare as...

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Star Trek: Worf Smashes Geordi’s Lute In Belushi Homage

On July 26, 2013 by Tim Newman

I’d never seen this clip before, probably because I don’t like Star Trek, it makes me want to puke. I liked this clip though, it seems very out of character. Everyone remembers that...

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Paranormal Activity Caught On CCTV In A Whitstable Shop

On July 26, 2013 by Tim Newman

I love those ghost hunter programs. They are utterly rubbish and nothing they ever find is in any way compelling but they still manage to get millions of viewers, make millions of pounds...

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Worst Trainers Ever

On July 25, 2013 by Tim Newman

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as Genghis Khan once said. This phrase is rarely truer than when it is used with footwear. I’ve called this post the worst trainers ever,...

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Bird Poos In Reporter’s Mouth. Good.

On July 25, 2013 by Tim Newman

This is an old clip, so apologies if you’ve seen it before, I only just found it whilst searching for that ABC news reporter who drew a winky on air. Anyway, it’s great,...

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ABC Traffic Reporter Draws Inadvertent Winky Live On Air

On July 25, 2013 by Tim Newman

Tuesday probably started out much like any normal day for ABC presenter Siobhan Riley. However, her day ended rather strangely. It ended with her drawing incidental rude things on a map of down town...

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Victorian Fast Food Horrors

On July 25, 2013 by Tim Newman

I was recently sent a link to an author and research fellow at the Open University –  Rosalind Crone. Crone has special interest in sneaky Victorian food manipulation. Her recent research has dug up some interesting...

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Post Apocalyptic Images Of Tokyo By Tokyo Genso

On July 25, 2013 by Tim Newman

Tokyo Genso is gaming industry artist who mainly focuses on backdrop design. He takes photos of Tokyo and painstakingly adds a post apocalyptic foreground in Photoshop. They’re a bit good. (Click to enlarge)...

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