Gracing the stage with their presence this weekend at WOMAD were eight unlikely boys that perform under the name Malawi Mouse Boys. They hail from Malawi as the name suggests, and in their home country they sell barbecued mice at the side of the road for pennies.
The Malawi boys have been working together since they were wee nippers and during quiet periods they pass the time making music together. This jamming progressed into a body of work, which until this month had never left the village where it was born.
The Malawi Mouse Boys‘ sound is rough around the edges, and rough all the way through for that matter, but what do you expect? It’s this home made instrument, side of the road flavour that gives the music it’s indelible feel. They hadn’t left the country before July 2013 when they flew to the UK to sing to a tent full of people that would outnumber the entire population of their home village.
Perhaps the Malawi Mouse Boys’ set wasn’t as varied as other professional acts that night, but no one was complaining. If you’ve got heart and charm it will take you a long way in a punter’s eyes. Here’s a short video about their home life: