Japan Trend Shop – A Selection Of Weird Things To Order From Japan

I found this online shop called Japan Trend Shop, it has a wealth of mad “only-in-Japan” style gadgets nestled among it’s sushi covered pages. It’s well worth a browse if you’re every feeling sad or alone. I’ve collated some of my personal favourite items if you’re in a rush to checkout.

Egree Cat Pyjamas

Initially I laughed hard because it looks ridiculous, then I read the blurb and these are actually for moggies who’ve had an operation. It stops them scratching, or getting dirt in their wound, so it’s actually sort of sensible but it still looks completely jokes. Just $79 per suit if you’re interested?:

They also sell Egree cat hats if you’re looking for a cheaper option:

Sat 119 Eco Throwable Fire Extinguisher

As above, I thought this gimmick was ridiculous, as if a bottle of anything would be any help in a real fire situation. Then I watched this video and it turns out it is absolutely brilliant. It contains 500ml of ammonium phosphate dibasic and ammonium bicarbonate, and has the extinguishing capacity ten times that of water. But don’t just take my word for it, here’s what $61 could buy you, it’s like a reverse Molotov cocktail:



See, you’re not laughing now are you? It’s AMAZING!

Agaru Sleeping Kogao Hammock Face Mask

If you are worried about retaining your beauty and youth (I know I am), then maybe you could ask Santa for one of these face hammocks? They keep your face “small” and therefore youthful. Simply pop this bad boy round your jowels every night and you shall remain forever young. For the reasonable cost of $37. I’m a bit short this month so I just dug a couple of elastic bands out from behind the sofa, it hurts a bit, but no pain, no gain, hey?

Sonic Hour Beer Head Froth Maker

No head on your beer? WORRY NO MORE. I have the solution, the sonic hour beer head froth maker is here to save the day. Simply put a little water in the base, press the button and away you go, you are free to enjoy a refreshing beer, head and all. All for just $79.

Check out their mind boggling ultra sonic product range here:



More on next page including, a face exercising mask that looks like a torture implement…

Facewaver Excercise Mask

Many of the products on sale at the Japan Trend Shop are based around keeping your face youthful. This facial exercise mask promises that unattainable Cinderella fresh, manga faced youthfulness we all crave. Simply wear it for a few minutes every day and pull faces. This apparently exercises facial muscles and increases blood flow. Also, you get to look pretty cool whilst you’re doing it.

 Men’s Germanium Kogao Sauna Mask

The pursuit of youthful beauty is not just for the ladies. This sauna mask is aimed at men. It advises you to wear it whilst doing household chores, the increased sweating will “shrink your face” giving you are more slender profile and younger looks. And even if it doesn’t work, you’ll still get that cool Silence of the Lambs look…

Beauty Lift High Nose – Electric Nose Lift

Despite looking like a medieval torture device, this product promises to make your nose “just that little bit firmer and higher”. I didn’t realise your nose could be too low? And I am now worried that my nose is not firm enough either? Oh dear. This vibrating gadget of nonsense is $69 though so I will have to deal with having a soft, low nose I’m afraid.


Magical Tooth Yaeba Snaggleteeth

So, I understand the products people buy to make themselves look younger/ more attractive/ fresher, but this last product is super weird. Here’s what the blurb on the website has to say –

It’s no secret that Japanese dentistry leaves a lot to be desired. But don’t judge local teeth only through the lens of only what you are used to. There are some differences in aesthetic here. Take yaeba (snaggletooth), for instance. It’s not anyone by a long shot but there is nonetheless a certain swathe of Japanese girls, or media outlets at any rate, who think that having snaggleteeth is “cute”, as perhaps Americans might see Kirsten Dunst as the ‘Girl Next Door’.

It seems that some Japanese women have had dental procedures to make their teeth look less perfect and this is a cheaper option. It truly is a mad world isn’t it? I’d understand it if they were going for the gothy vampire look but….

I love it all so, so much.