VIDEO: Christmas Party In Russia

I’m sorry there have been so many Russian videos going up from me recently. I can’t help it. There is just so much out there to use.

Every time I want to stop and write something about another country, I get dragged back to an awesome video set in dear old mother Russia.

Today’s visual gem is a Christmas party. It’s quite obviously taken quite late in the evening, but the main guy is still wearing his beautiful hand-woven Crimbo sweater.

He kind of looks terrifying, but he’s so ultra-smashed that he could do you no damage at this point.

There’s an undecorated tree and a pile of rugs in the corner for that extra festive feel. Its run time is over 3 minutes, but it’s well worth watching every second.

When the portly dude gets out from behind the video camera, I am in seventh heaven, but not without pangs of guilt for continuing to watch.

Enjoy… or whatever emotion this drags out of you:

Here’s some more hot Ruski action for you:

 Awesome Photos From Russia With Love Part A

 Awesome Photos From Russia With Love Part B

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love Part C

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love Part D

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love Part E