Electron Microscope Pictures Of Every Day Things – Part 1

On June 16, 2013 by Tim Newman


CD x 20,000

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - 20000x zoom CD


Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Aspartame

Birds Eye Chilli

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Birds Eye Chilli

Blue Bottle Fly Larva

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Blue Bottle Fly Larva


Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Blueberry

 Broccoli Floret

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Broccoli Floret

Cat Flea

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Cat Flea

Common House Fly

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Common House Fly

Science Collection on Lazer Horse

Computer hard disk read write head

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Computer hard disk read write head

Crystals of albumin From Blood Clot

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - crystals of albumin from a blood clot

Dust x 20,000,000

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Dust Magnified 22 Million Times

Ear Wax On Cotton Wool Bud

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Ear Wax On Cotton Wool Bud

Ear Wax Secretion

Ear wax secretion - SEM

Eye Of A Needle Threaded

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Eye Of A Needle Threaded

Science Collection on Lazer Horse

Football T-shirt Material

Electron Microscope - Football T-shirt Material

End of Guitar String

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Guitar String End

Human Eyelashes

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Human Eyelashes

Human Flea

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Human Flea

Hydrothermal Vent Worm

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Hydrothermal Vent Worm

Instant Coffee Granules

Electron Microscope Images - Every Day Objects - Instant Coffee Granules


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